Language of the Heart

When Your Spirit Needs a Lift, What Do You Do ?

When I’m feeling down, I sometimes listen to beautiful music to help lift my spirits. Among the most beautiful is In the Light of Love, sung/chanted by Deva Premal and Miten. Manose, a Nepalese who plays a bamboo flute, accompanies them. In the Light of Love incorporates a Sanskrit healing chant, Om Shree Dhanvantre Namaha–Om and salutations to the divine healer.         [...]

Are You Missing the Boat with Your Own Life?

Not missing the boat with your own life means awakening to the dream in your heart, following its wise guidance and breaking free of the confines of your little self! When you do this and get that your life is important— that you matter in the big picture—then you are set to make a difference in the world that [...]

Spring Festival in China, a Personal Story

Is it the Chinese Year of the Goat, Sheep or Ram? The Chinese word 羊 (Yáng) is somewhat generic, referring to goats or sheep of either gender, so you can take your pick. And by the way, “Spring Festival,” I’ve been informed, is the more accurate name for the holiday. A festival sounds more fun to me than [...]

Hidden Light, Guiding Star, Life Purpose

Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world." ~ Rumi I'd like to share some of my process of discovering life purpose. The particulars are mine, of course, but perhaps there will be something in those particulars that others can relate to. If so and my words are of service, then I am glad. If not, then perhaps [...]

Tribute to Teresa Teng, Jan. 29, 1953 – May 8, 1995

Teresa Teng, Deng Lijun, 邓丽君 When I arrived in Harbin, China in 2004 to teach English, I wanted to learn at least a little Mandarin. Since music helps me a lot with other languages, I asked my friend Liyi for help. "Who can I listen to who sings Mandarin clearly and also [...]

An “I Love You” Lesson in Chinese

When I was a teenager, I thought it was cool to be able to say "I love you" in other languages. Did knowing how to express that sentiment multi-lingually ever appeal to you too? As a high school English teacher in Canada, then as a college and university teacher in China, my students and I had [...]

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