
About Ramona McKean

Ramona McKean is creating a "Bridge of Light" (aka “a Bridge of the Heart”) to promote cross-cultural appreciation and awareness. An author and speaker, she lives in Victoria, BC, Canada.

A Blessing from John O’Donohue and a Time for Reflection

John O’Donohue was an Irish poet, priest and philosopher, whose tender gift for words could touch even the most defended of hearts. I recently came across this beautiful blessing of his (below) and shared it with a Broadview United Church friend, the Reverend Margaret Harper. She was as moved as I and chose to use [...]

Emily Dickinson and Hope for Our Times

What’s So on “the Outside” These are heavy times; some call them “evolutionary times.” The crumbling of the old is causing confusion and disillusionment. That there is no clear indication of the new (and how can there be at this stage?), is causing wide-spread fear. This is most dramatically apparent in the USA, but really, [...]

Lightening Up is Good for Your Health!

Even though I’ve never met Anita Moorjani and Kyle Cease in person, it feels like they’re my friends! First I came across Anita’s book (her first one), which moved me deeply. Then I came across Kyle’s videos on-line, which made me laugh. Both individuals are fun, heart-full and wise. Such beautiful souls! Humble, not out [...]

Happy Independence Day to Our American Neighbours!

As a Canadian, I was moved by the kind and supportive messages many Americans tweeted for our national holiday, Canada Day, July 1st. Thank you, dear folks, for giving me the nudge I needed to write this tribute to our long Canadian-American friendship; it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time. What [...]

Yellow, Blue and Rainbows Too

I am especially grateful for good days, sunshine days, especially when health challenges are present. Let me tell you a story. Recently I tried my first craniosacral therapy session; the therapist, Erdi Jacobi, had been highly recommended. She combines quantum touch with craniosacral therapy, and I was seeing her for IBS. I did not know what [...]

#NotMe, a Decent Guy Speaks Up

Part I, by Ramona McKean Oh, how the arena of power politics has developed as of late, with men in authoritative and/or prestigious positions being brought down by allegations of sexual misconduct. The power of victims is growing, and for the most part I'm glad. A world dominated by patriarchy has been, and continues to be, [...]

Angels Among Us

Angels have been defined as “spiritual beings that act as compassionate agents of the Divine.” Do you believe these spiritual beings exist? Do you believe they’re here among us? I do and I’d like to write about two kinds, which will include a personal tribute to one. […]

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