
Emily Dickinson and Hope for Our Times

What’s So on “the Outside” These are heavy times; some call them “evolutionary times.” The crumbling of the old is causing confusion and disillusionment. That there is no clear indication of the new (and how can there be at this stage?), is causing wide-spread fear. This is most dramatically apparent in the USA, but really, [...]

Yellow, Blue and Rainbows Too

I am especially grateful for good days, sunshine days, especially when health challenges are present. Let me tell you a story. Recently I tried my first craniosacral therapy session; the therapist, Erdi Jacobi, had been highly recommended. She combines quantum touch with craniosacral therapy, and I was seeing her for IBS. I did not know what [...]

Angels Among Us

Angels have been defined as “spiritual beings that act as compassionate agents of the Divine.” Do you believe these spiritual beings exist? Do you believe they’re here among us? I do and I’d like to write about two kinds, which will include a personal tribute to one. […]

If It be Your Will, a Tribute to Leonard Cohen

September 21, 1934-November 7, 2016 Leonard Cohen's voice will not be "still."  His music will continue to live on in the hearts of millions now and to come. Like many, when the news was released on November 10th that Leonard Cohen had passed away, I cried. Two days later, his son Adam posted a touching [...]

Music to Build Bridges, Cohen, KD and Hallelujah

In my previous blog, Music to Build Bridges, I shared a message about man-made problems that divide the human race and cause needless suffering. Problems include such things as non-communication, prejudice, greed, racism, sexism, and so on. Human problems are largely about disconnection, first from ourselves and then from others. How is music able to [...]

Music to Build Bridges

With so many forces dividing humanity, some people figure this world should cease to be. As a matter of fact, one young man, Prince Ea, has recently gone viral advocating just that! In his first video, “Why I Think This World Should End,” he goes through a litany of woes that divide the human race, a veritable [...]

A Life Written in Water, Anita Mui (梅艳芳)

In Memory of Anita Mui 梅艳芳 October 10, 1963 – December 30, 2003 What is a life written in water? Meaningful or empty? If it had a melody, would it sound happy or sad, or something else? Anita Mui sang the evocative “A Life Written in Water” in a 1984 Hong Kong movie called “Homecoming.” Anita was a superstar [...]

When Your Spirit Needs a Lift, What Do You Do ?

When I’m feeling down, I sometimes listen to beautiful music to help lift my spirits. Among the most beautiful is In the Light of Love, sung/chanted by Deva Premal and Miten. Manose, a Nepalese who plays a bamboo flute, accompanies them. In the Light of Love incorporates a Sanskrit healing chant, Om Shree Dhanvantre Namaha–Om and salutations to the divine healer.         [...]

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