Events, Interviews, etc

Lightening Up is Good for Your Health!

Even though I’ve never met Anita Moorjani and Kyle Cease in person, it feels like they’re my friends! First I came across Anita’s book (her first one), which moved me deeply. Then I came across Kyle’s videos on-line, which made me laugh. Both individuals are fun, heart-full and wise. Such beautiful souls! Humble, not out [...]

Happy Independence Day to Our American Neighbours!

As a Canadian, I was moved by the kind and supportive messages many Americans tweeted for our national holiday, Canada Day, July 1st. Thank you, dear folks, for giving me the nudge I needed to write this tribute to our long Canadian-American friendship; it’s something I’ve been wanting to do for quite some time. What [...]

#NotMe, a Decent Guy Speaks Up

Part I, by Ramona McKean Oh, how the arena of power politics has developed as of late, with men in authoritative and/or prestigious positions being brought down by allegations of sexual misconduct. The power of victims is growing, and for the most part I'm glad. A world dominated by patriarchy has been, and continues to be, [...]

“From Sticks to Bricks to Textbooks,” Outreach to Tanzania

Elephants and Tanzania’s Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world! Photo by Amoghavarsha It takes a village to raise a child. Yes. And it sometimes takes a group of outside caring people to support that village to raise that child! Working [...]

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