China & Chinese Culture

A Life Written in Water, Anita Mui (梅艳芳)

In Memory of Anita Mui 梅艳芳 October 10, 1963 – December 30, 2003 What is a life written in water? Meaningful or empty? If it had a melody, would it sound happy or sad, or something else? Anita Mui sang the evocative “A Life Written in Water” in a 1984 Hong Kong movie called “Homecoming.” Anita was a superstar [...]

A Tribute to the Chinese who Helped Build the CPR, Part II

How Much Do We Owe the Early Chinese in Canada? Maybe a lot. Mr. Doug Hum, from the Ontario Coalition of Chinese Head Tax Families, recently spoke in Victoria about the issues the movie Iron Road raises. It’s about the Chinese who helped build the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia. He asked a thought-provoking question: “Without [...]

What Will This Courageous Boy Do When He Grows Up?

Dr. Grant Stewart, retired trauma surgeon from Vancouver, and Dr. John Ducas, cardiologist from Winnipeg, with Zhen Yi and his dad in 2012 If you’re like me, you’ll cry when you find out. It makes me wonder about making a difference in someone’s life, especially a child’s. Can we ever know the extent of [...]

Chinese Spring Festival Symbols

Chinese New Year’s Eve 2005, Meizhou, China, photo by Anthony Hartman February 19-24, 2015,  is the duration of this year's Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) celebrations. Before the holiday is over, I'd like to share an interesting article on the Spring Festival designed to help anyone curious about the cultural significance of this most colorful of holidays. [...]

By |2017-05-28T18:37:21-07:00February 24th, 2015|China & Chinese Culture|10 Comments

Spring Festival in China, a Personal Story

Is it the Chinese Year of the Goat, Sheep or Ram? The Chinese word 羊 (Yáng) is somewhat generic, referring to goats or sheep of either gender, so you can take your pick. And by the way, “Spring Festival,” I’ve been informed, is the more accurate name for the holiday. A festival sounds more fun to me than [...]

Dr. Norman Bethune, China’s Canadian Hero, Fate or Destiny? (Part II)

By Ramona McKean Part II Bethune International Peace Hospital, Shijiazhuang, China If ever a Western foreigner could provide a "bridge" of appreciation and understanding between China and Canada, it is Dr. Norman Bethune. Though he’s been gone for 75 years now, the mention of his name in China can still cause many to stop [...]

Dr. Norman Bethune, China’s Canadian Hero, Fate or Destiny? (Part I)

Part I: Pre-China Endeavors and Accomplishments Dr. Norman Bethune went to China in 1938 to offer support to a peasant army combatting Japanese aggression then died less than two years later. This year marks the 75th anniversary of his death in China. To this day Bethune, Báiqiú’ēn (白求恩), is still viewed a hero in China. Sadly, [...]

Near Death in China, Fate or Destiny?

Including an Introduction to Dr. Norman Bethune On February 10, 2005, during Spring Festival (aka Chinese New Year) in a rural area of China, I almost left this earthly plane. I can’t say I had a “near death experience” as I did not see lights, a tunnel, angels, etc. In fact, I did not even [...]

Hidden Light, Guiding Star, Life Purpose

Don’t you know yet? It is your light that lights the world." ~ Rumi I'd like to share some of my process of discovering life purpose. The particulars are mine, of course, but perhaps there will be something in those particulars that others can relate to. If so and my words are of service, then I am glad. If not, then perhaps [...]

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