Déjà-vus take us into the gap, the spaces “in between” where time does not exist.
“This moment has happened before, exactly like this, the angle, the look, the words, the actions.” It’s like the spontaneous flash of recollection makes you stop in your tracks. You notice a pronounced feeling of strange familiarity. A paradox is in the works. The past is present or is it the future?
You may tell yourself there’s no point trying to figure out when or where the “remembered” situation ever happened because you “know” it didn’t. Still, you’d like to understand. After all, as common as deja-vu experiences are, it’s rare when one surfaces. (Yes, common and rare.)
Is a deja-vu memory an illusion, a peculiar misfiring in the brain? Perhaps it’s the recalling of something you dreamt one night in childhood? Does it have, or even need to have, an explanation? So many questions arise. (Hmm, I am reminded of the movie The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey. Have you seen it? “The film chronicles the life of a man who is initially unaware that he is living in a constructed reality television show…”)
Whatever a deja-vu is, I believe it’s safe to say it’s a nebulous experience that reminds us that there is more to life than meets the eye, or any of the other sensing organs. A deja-vu is an invitation to reflect on the mystery of which you and I and everyone else is a part. A deja-vu can take us out of the dimension of time and into a space of no time.
Re-Living an Unknown Time
Have you ever experienced re-living, not just “remembering,” an unknown time? Early this year I did. It was the most amazing deja-vu of my life. Actually, the experience was an octave or two higher and certainly rarer than what might be called a regular deja vu. I’ve since learned it was a deja–vecu. I’d never heard of that before! From the French, déjà-vu means “already seen”; déjà vécu means “already lived or lived through.”
The date was January 21st, 2o16, and it was my first time in Africa. The country was Tanzania. I, along with others, had arrived at the Mount Kilimanjaro International Airport late the previous night.
In what seemed no time, I noticed a curious feeling welling up from deep inside. I couldn’t resist it, even if I’d wanted to, and started to cry. What was happening to me? Feelings of intense love and loss all surged together. It felt like I was being wrenched away from “this place I loved.” I also noticed myself thinking of a friend I’d met in China about eleven years previously, who had returned home from working in Africa a few months prior to my arrival. Even though Haiwu wasn’t there with me, it felt like he was part of this experience.
It was all so strange and immediate, this experience of “re-living” a memory of intense grief in a place I had never before been. As intense as it was, it would only be a faint echo of “the original,” if such a thing ever existed. And how could it, unless I contemplated the idea of reincarnation? Mystified, I surrendered to my imagination. What if this deja-vecu was based on a real past-life event? If so, who might I have been? A black person captured for the slave trade? Or a white person born in Africa, to missionary parents perhaps, so this part of Africa would have been the only home I’d known? I imagined bloody conflict and being wrenched away, knowing I’d never see this place again.

Arusha, Tanzania. The dormant volcano Mt Meru is in the background.
Timely Connection
The experiential “memory” did fade, but it didn’t disappear. For several days all I had to do was think of it and I’d be on the verge of tears. It’s been several weeks now since I returned from Africa, and to be honest, some of that Arusha experience remains.
It’s not easy for me to share publicly what I’m about to share. (Making myself vulnerable.) Here goes: Right in the process of writing this blog, I made a connection that got tears prickling and my heart pounding. In this lifetime, I experienced a traumatic event similar to the “remembered” African life. It was a little over 11 years ago and involved leaving China, where I’d been living for four months. There, in China, I was in a serious car accident. Until I had a clearer sense of the severity of my injuries, there was no way I was willing to leave my Chinese friends and a place I’d grown to love.
But, after three days, I did leave. Miraculously, I survived two flights back to Canada with multiple fractures, including seven broken ribs. (Within a month, by the way, I’ll be releasing the revised 2nd edition of my book, Dancing in the Heart of the Dragon, a Memoir of China, in which I tell my story.)
So why did I have that deja-vecu in Tanzania? Why did I re-live emotional trauma similar to the agony I experienced after that China car accident? Dr. Judith Orloff, in “The Meaning of Deja-Vu,” writes that deja-vu is “an offering, an opportunity for additional knowledge about ourselves and others”; also it’s “a signal to pay special attention to what is taking place, perhaps to receive a specific lesson in a certain area or complete what is not yet finished.”
What can I take from my Tanzanian experience? At this time I do not know. I shall trust that if there is something, it will reveal itself in good time and I will have the eyes to recognize it. (I’ll be ready.)
What About You?
Have you had a deja-vu or deja-vecu experience you’d be interested in sharing? Have you had one that you’d call over-the-top? If you did, how would you seek meaning? Might you too consider the possibility of its stemming from a past life?
What are your feelings about deja-vus and deja-vecus? Please do share in the comment section below. This may prove an interesting conversation!
This has been an exercise in sharing my inner world, though not to the extent that I’d planned when I started writing. Who knows? As regards my mysterious African experience, perhaps the act of publishing this post will open the door to some “answers.” We’ll see.
Fascinating post. I’ve often experienced deja-vus and deja-vecus although nothing as intense as your Tanzanian experience. There have been periods in my life when deja-vecus have been frequent and then I’ll go long periods without. I’ve pondered a lot about what it means with no definitive answer. I like Judith Orloff’s take that it is “a signal to pay special attention to what is taking place, perhaps to receive a specific lesson in a certain area or complete what is not yet finished.”
Hi Donna, have you been able to discern a commonality in any of your experiences? I too have had other deja-vecus but did not know they were called that. Both they and deja-vus are elusive. Often I have a strong feeling that the “episode” is part of a past night-time dream that I’ve had, and sometimes it’s a recurring dream. Now I wonder if recurring dreams are a similar kind of occurrence? It’s an intriguing business.
Another fascinating post Ramona. I really like your writing style. It is generous of you to share your personal feelings and experiences in this way. I have not heard of a deja–vecu before your mentioning of it. This is a very interesting topic, the comparison between a deja–vu and a deja–vecu. After reading your poster, I will definitely pay more attention to these experiences.
Thank you for your kind words and acknowledgement, Clarke. I think that to practice paying attention is a wise thing if we desire to live an “eyes open” kind of life. Paying attention certainly helps to sensitize us more and more to what’s perhaps happening behind the scenes. Such a mysterious journey this life business is!
What a wonderful post, Ramona. I connected with it on various levels.
I have had many, many deja-vu moments as well as several deja-vecus. I do recall a deja-vecu experience that had to do with someone from a previous life connecting with me in the now. It was curious to both of us, as we both felt the intense connection, and made a point in discovering what the lesson was to be from our meeting in this lifetime. It was a fascinating learning experience for both of us.
I do believe in reincarnation and have had sessions with a shaman that have explained why my life is filled with so many people I knew before I was born to this life. Thx for initiating this discussion. I am grateful we have met via BHB.
Hi Doreen, have you ever read anything by Robert Schwartz? I “discovered” him in my travels a few months ago and am now on his 2nd book. His 1st is called “Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born.” Its original title fits better, I think. (“Courageous Souls: Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?”) This coming September I plan to attend a workshop he’s giving at Hollyhock Farm on Cortes Island, a two island jump from Vancouver Island, a beautiful place.
Life is an intriguing mystery. Sometimes I feel such joy in swimming its warm seas. Other times it’s not an inviting sea to swim in at all! I bet we’d have lots to talk about! If ever you plan a visit to Victoria, please do let me know. 🙂
I’ve had several deja-vu experiences over the years. I can’t remember anything specific, but they always have me wondering if I’ve lived this life before.
I’ve had quite a few experiences, Jason, that have taken me back a long time. I used to wonder but now I have no doubt. I have lived other lives, likely 1000s. Some have a big influence on this one–unfinished business in both happy and not-so-happy ways.Then there’s also sweet re-acquaintance with others. My 4-year old granddaughter in one of those souls. 🙂
A strange event happened to me one spring day in 1990, the year after my mother died. My mother was 1/4 First Nation, and while she had been adamant my sister and I grow up as little white girls, after Mom’s death I felt a tug to connect with the part of my heritage that the family had never really acknowledged. I visited the library to find only three books on Aboriginal anything, and they were about the Cree back east. At that time I found nothing on the West Coast Salish. I decided to call the local band office and see if it was possible to meet some of their elders. The answer was yes, and I was thrilled. I made my way to the reservation and drove to the building where I had been told I could meet with the elders. As soon as I stepped out of the car, I fell to my knees in a sorrowful cry. Sadness and grief radiated through my heart as my thoughts turned to men with little white coats coming to get me. I had absolutely no idea what was happening as I slid behind a bush to try and pull myself together. A few years later I would recount my story to Paul, my new Aboriginal friend. He explained that this kind of experience was common for ‘us.’ We are feeling the emotions of those in the past who had lived on the land that today we were standing upon; those who had suffered the kind of pain that had caused my knees to strike the ground. Perhaps you too were experiencing a past energy …that could have been your energy or another spirit to whom you had been connected in the past. These are magical echoes that momentarily whisk us away to another energy from another time and place ….and they are blessings.
Oh my, Glenda, this is touching and beautiful! Thank you for sharing such a personal and meaningful experience. You were especially eloquent with: Perhaps you too were experiencing a past energy …that could have been your energy or another spirit to whom you had been connected in the past. These are magical echoes that momentarily whisk us away to another energy from another time and place ….and they are blessings.” Magical and mysterious, yes. And in a strange way perhaps blessings too.
Your sharing actually reminds me of another experience I had in 2000 when I visited Ellis Island, near New York City. As you probably know, it was the main entry point for millions of immigrants to the USA, to stay there or to move on elsewhere, Canada for instance.
[I was particularly curious because my grandfather had likely emigrated from Italy to Canada in the early years of the 20th Century. We think he disembarked in Montreal but he may have entered North America via Ellis Island. I could find no record of him at Ellis Island, but that doesn’t mean much when I consider he was illiterate and couldn’t spell his own name. I imagine his was considered a “difficult” Italian name as the different officials spelled it in many odd ways. It’s unfortunate that my grandmother really didn’t know much if anything about her husband’s past. They met and married in Vancouver, Canada. My grandfather was much older than she and died before I was born. It’s weird to consider that he had a twin brother who ended up who-knows-where in the USA. The brothers, being illiterate, would have no way to stay in touch with each other.]
Ellis Island served as a massive “depot” where prospective immigrants were corralled and inspected like livestock. When I walked into its train station-like “holding” space, I started to feel head-achy and nauseous. It felt like the walls were oozing the untold misery of millions of people from southern and eastern Europe and I was picking up on that energy full-throttle. What I learned from the various displays revealed some pretty miserable conditions. Just now I’ve read online that Ellis Island was sometimes referred as “The Island of Tears” or “Heartbreak Island.” I particularly recall seeing the button hooks and the photos showing how they were used to lift eyelids back and check for disease. That procedure in and of itself caused and spread eye infections galore. Anyway, by the time I walked out of that place, I had a migraine headache and had to keep breathing deeply so as not to throw up. Thinking about it now, what I experienced was not a deja-vu or deja-vecu. I didn’t think so at the time either but sure did feel puzzled and distressed. From what you’ve shared, it sounds like I was experiencing a past collective energy. I certainly don’t ever want to return to that place.
It’s such a great and interesting post. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with deja vu. I’ve never experienced something like this, but I believe there is reincarnation. Maybe the intense feeling that you experienced was just due to what you had experienced in your previous life. I believe that the places that life has taken you (first to China and then to Tanzania) are not just coincidences, but rather part of a predestined big plan that has been designed for you since your birth. Life is a mystery. For most people, no connection is shown between their current life and a previous life. But for a small percentage of people, they may still feel the connection from time to time, and I think you might be one of them. You are special!
Congratulations to you on the 2nd edition of your book. Did you add something new to the book? Is it an updated version? It must be more insightful!
Thank you for your interesting and kind comments, Xin. When I stop and think about it, I’ve actually had many mysterious experiences in my life. Some have left me in a state of humbled awe, like “Oh my God, an unseen force–mysterious, beautiful and benign–has got to be involved in this.” They often happen during times of duress, which I have seem to have had plenty of. “Special”? I don’t know. Maybe I’m just more aware.
Yes, the 2nd edition of my book will be available soon, and it is an updated version for sure. I will be speaking at the downtown branch of the Greater Victoria Public Library on May 14th, so the book has got to be ready by then! It was an interesting business for me to look back at the eleven (plus a bit) years since the events of my story happened and to see how they shaped who I have become. In my brand new introduction, I share some of the insights I gained, which were profound for me. I’ve also changed the book’s cover some (not nearly so “busy”) and have added the book’s Chinese title and my Chinese name. For anyone with a computer set up to show Chinese characters: 心龙之舞 is the title and of course 林明心 is my name. Thank you for your interest, Xin. All the best to you, my NYC friend. 🙂
I do not believe in reincarnation. I believe we can be in a place and feel we are in similar surroundings, perhaps because it brings back memories. In the same way we can gravitate to or away from people because they look or act similar to someone we know.
You may be right, Phoenicia. How can anyone ever really know? It’s all a mystery.
I have had deja-vu experiences over the years. I can’t recall them right now. But, I do agree with your statement from Dr. Judith Orloff about deja-vu. Though I don’t know if we learn the lesson right then.
Sabrina, I had heard of Dr. Judith Orloff before but didn’t know much about her. A couple of things I’ve learned online are: “She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy, and spirituality to achieve physical and emotional healing.” Also, she is “a model for balancing fierce left-brain intellect and right-brain compassion.” Our world sure can use a LOT more of that!
Hi Ramona,
Interesting post. I, too, have had multiple episodes of deja-vu. Started having them when quite young. Scared me then and scared me even more when adults couldn’t explain them.
Yet, I’ve not experienced deja-vecu. What an event that must have been for you – thanks for sharing it. Despite investigating the cause & meaning of deja-vu, I’ve not reached a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon I’ve so often lived through.
Hi Edward,
I have the intuitive sense that deja-vus and deja-vecus operate according to an order that is not at all “worldly,” as in “cognitive” or “explainable.” In this way, it would not be possible for common human intellect to make sense of them. It’s like they operate from a paradigm unfamiliar to most people. It’s a paradigm that might only be appreciated (and only then in part) from a right brain (so to speak) perspective. Such limited language. It’s hard to find the words to say what I’m trying to say. I don’t know if anyone can even follow what I just wrote in response to you! And, thank you, Edward, for your comment.
Afraid I’m a deja-vu and deja-vecu virgin, but it does sound fascinating. I used to dance in a local hula halau and did a lot of work with local cultural practitioners that required me to learn chants and spend time at ancient heau so there have been moments when I felt a definitely spiritual connection, but never anything beyond that. Thank you for sharing your wonderful story!
You are most welcome, Marquita, and thank you for sharing.
I feel that I have deju vu experiences in my dreams I don’t usually remember my dreams but when I am having a troubled sleep and wake up intermittently still in the midst of a dream. I sometimes feel these deja vu experiences are slower, more thoroughly thought out, that the live experience they recall. As if a chapter in my life that ended moves on to a new chapter in my sleep.
“As if a chapter in my life that ended moves on to a new chapter in my sleep.” Fascinating comment, Ken. I think there is much more to dream life than we realize. Thanks for sharing.
Ramona, thank you for sharing this personal account of deja-vu. I can’t remember having experienced the feelings you describe but I completely believe in them. During my younger years I was a bit of a psychic, getting feelings about things that were about to happen. So magical and mystical are definitely things I hold to be true.
I found your experience very moving but I wonder – are all deja-va/vecu moments sad?
Lenie, do you ever still experience clairvoyance? Shakespeare put great words into the mouth of Hamlet. While he and his friend Horatio are looking at the skull of Hamlet’s dearly loved childhood jester, Hamlet says, “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” With all there is, we as humans can only know a grain of sand’s worth of knowledge, if even that much, I figure.
Magic and mystery: When I am present to its existence, life feels richer and more extraordinary somehow. YOU too?
Deja-vus: I have had both neutral and positive. Deja-vecus: Other people who’ve shared have described the full gamut–painful, neutral and positive. For me, the two that stand out have involved intense sadness. Maybe that’s why the experiences have had so much impact. Both are uncanny and thought-provoking. So interesting.
Hi, Ramona.
Such an interesting post.
Unfortunately, I have never experienced these feelings and it was always a mystery for me when someone talked about it. Now I have a more complete understanding. Thanks
Who knows why some people experience this kind of thing and others don’t? One not better than the other, I figure, just different. Thanks for commenting, Kristina.
A wonderful post.
I have experienced this a lot. I have come to accept some scientist explanation for it. We experience dozens of individual dreams at night, most our conscious brain does not remember. Just by probability (because we have dreamt thousands and thousands of dreams) when we go somewhere or do something, one of our dreams might correspond with what is actually occurring, and that is why we feel deja vu. It is either that or the Matrix is resetting itself.
Thanks, William. With deja-vus, I have felt many times that I am re-encountering a sequence from a dream I’ve had. Other times, no. Now deja-vecus? For me, they seem to be of an order beyond dreams. But who knows? We can theorize for an explanation till those proverbial cows come home. (I made more comment on this above, in my reply to Edward.)
The matrix is resetting itself? Hmm…I’d be interested to hear you say more about that!
Hey Ramona,
What an exciting topic. When I get Deja vu, I get excited as the moment passes, I feel a strain in my brain, because I really push it to dig up the memory. Does not work, I might add. As a child I used to get them a lot, some used to play out like a story, not just a moment.
I still have one that I remember vividly that I had at primary school (age 5) and it shook me up because I did not know what was happening.
I certainly get that overwhelmed feeling that you got. I have had several occasions where I have had a small tease of Deja vu but the feeling was intense. Like my brain did not remember what was going on but my heart could identify immediately, sending heavy sensations throughout my body. I have always believed that Deju Vu is the soul connecting to a moment in time. Its special. But it always reminds me that its proof that we are so much more, because there is nothing quiet like a Deju Vu moment.
Hi Rachel,
I’m so glad you were able to relate to my post. I love what you wrote: “Like my brain did not remember what was going on but my heart could identify immediately, sending heavy sensations throughout my body.” Yes, I know exactly what you mean.
Also: “there is nothing quiet like a Deju Vu moment.” For me it’s like time stands still. In that “present” moment, I realize how strange the concept of time is. It’s a dimension that maybe no one understands. Time and space and the mystery. Thanks for sharing!
🙂 Ramona
Hi Ramona,
This is my first visit to your blog! I found you through Ikechi.
Isn’t Deja Vu mysterious?! I remember getting it all the time when I was a child. I recently received it in my new home in the dining room and of course I stopped in my tracks. I remember seeing my daughter and thought I’ve been here before… It’s horrible because you wonder if there is meaning to the whole experience.
Never heard of deja vecus! That sounded a bit scary. Please do update if you figure out what it was!
Thanks for sharing,
So, we are connected through Ikechi? Great! I really like making new online friends.
I doubt I will ever know what that deja-vecu was about. I will never forget it and if/when I do return to East Africa, I’ll make a point of being extra sensitively aware of my surroundings. While in Tanzania, I made two “new” friends, one a Maasai warrior and the other a Tanzanian/Ugandan fellow who is the manager of the school we built. I felt instantly comfortable with them both. With the Maasai man, in particular, it felt like a soul level connection, like we’d been related through friendship, or family, or marriage before even though we’d never before “met.” I feel humbled when I consider the quality of relatedness.
I appreciate your leaving a comment, Lillian. I also had a look at your website: http://tigerlilyva.com/. It looks like you offer valuable online assistance. I may be calling on you. 🙂
Ramona, it’s true, sometimes, I’ve had such feelings of a “flash moment,” “time repeating” or “reliving a life moment.” Very interesting!
Haiwu, I haven’t seen you in almost 8 years (Shenzhen 2008). It was interesting the “part” you played in my deja-vecu experience! There are some connections between people that are timeless. That’s how it feels to me anyway. So where will we meet again–East Africa or China? 🙂
Wow! your story is amazing! I can’t say I’ve ever had strong feelings of deja-vu or deja-vecu. Of course, once in a while I do get those regular deja-vus but I never think anything more of them. I’m not sure if I believe in reincarnations or not, but your story certainly makes for an intriguing read and is definitely food for thought. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your responsiveness, Rosary! By the way, I love the quotes on the home page of your website. https://rosarynatania.wordpress.com/
I can’t say I’ve ever experienced deja vu but a post like this is quite inspiring when it comes to kicking my every-churning story ideas into high gear 😉
Jeri, a woman after my own heart! The story possibilities are incredible, aren’t they? To start off in a reverie of imagining (“remembering”)–letting the thoughts and feelings go deeper and deeper without “thinking” them. Perhaps riches are there to be mined in a vast collective unconsciousness? That consideration inspires me. 🙂
Hi Ramona
I have often experience Deja vu and the funny thing is the way it occurs. Suddenly I relive a memory and sometimes, it can be awkward so I can relate to this post. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week. Take Care
Ikechi, I hope you have a wonderful week too, my friend on the other side of the world!
I’m not sure this experience qualifies as deja vu or deju-vecu, but it was shocking nonetheless. About a year ago, just before I left NY to move to Florida, I was feeling a little sad because I felt I was leaving my late husband behind. He died several years ago but we met in NY and spent 33 happy years together there. I was sitting at my computer with these thoughts and got up and went to the refrigerator for a soda. When I got back to my office, my favorite photo of Charles and me was filling the computer screen. I stopped dead in my tracks. I did not have the photo application open, and I have thousands of photos on my computer. There was no rational explanation for how the photo got there. I believe it was Charles sending me a message that it was OK to go. He would always be with me — and he always is.
Jeannette, this is so beautiful. I believe your husband truly was connecting with you. He wanted to reassure you of his love, no matter what, and to let you know that your happiness is his happiness. It must hurt that he is gone and it must also be comforting to feel his presence with you always. Thank you for sharing such a tender, unforgettable experience.
I loved reading this. So here goes some experiences I have gone through. I actually remember my very first deja vû. I was a little girl. In my dream state before waking up I walked into my parents room. Their balcony curtains were drawn and the morning sun had lit up the room. I remember seeing dust particles and thinking how pretty they were dancing in the stir of movement. My father came out from the bathroom with a serious case of bed head. He walked over to the vanity my mother had set up in their bedroom. He frowned and touched his hair with a type of grimace as if to say,” why does my hair do this?” I then woke up from that “dream.” I remember thinking I was awake already but brushed it off. Went into my parents room and that SAME dream” deja vu has occurred in the same fashion. As if it was replayed all over again.
Throughout my years ( I’m 25 now) I have become very good with my dream state, meaning I know when I’m dreaming. I actually have a Deja vu account of a time that involves my boyfriend ( we are still together ). It was when we first got an apartment. 2014, I had a dream, Deja vu of us talking in a new place of living about me having a deja vu a few years prior. When I woke up I told my boyfriend about it and we laughed. Two years later 2016 we are in a new place, the place I saw in my Deja VU dream and a heat went over my head. I said, “Do you remember that dream I told you about a few years ago about me talking about a Deja Vu happening in side my dream? Well it’s happening right now this is it!!” We both laughed and thought it was strange again and he was beside himself and couldn’t believe it.
I get them sometimes. My Deja Vus happen when I dream. I just had one happen tonight and it made me search the internet. Now the Deja vu that is also the Deja vacu I had while dreaming as well. I believe what I saw in that dream were memories from WW1. It was very tragic and I woke up and had to look up the war attire the soldiers wore. To my surprise what I had dreamed was past life I am certain. It makes sense that I will not watch any war films now because they are boring but it makes me well up inside and I had no idea why until I had that dream a few years ago. I hope you still check up on this post. I do greatly appreciate what you have shared and to see many people experience this in some way or form is beautiful.
Wow, Kristiana, deja-vus and dreams! Thank you so much for sharing all that you have. I too find it fascinating how dreams and deja-vus seem to mesh mysteriously sometimes. I cannot recall specific examples right now, but many times (for maybe two seconds) I experience what feels like a deja vu but really I know it’s something I have dreamt. I’m so happy you found my post!