Quotes & Pretty Pictures

Emily Dickinson and Hope for Our Times

What’s So on “the Outside” These are heavy times; some call them “evolutionary times.” The crumbling of the old is causing confusion and disillusionment. That there is no clear indication of the new (and how can there be at this stage?), is causing wide-spread fear. This is most dramatically apparent in the USA, but really, [...]

What Does September Mean to You?

Here it is September, my favourite month. Is it because it’s the month of my birth? I don’t know. Maybe, but it’s certainly not the only reason. Though it’s a busy month with school starting and people back to work after the long days of summer, I notice myself easing into a peaceful, reflective state [...]

Are You Missing the Boat with Your Own Life?

Not missing the boat with your own life means awakening to the dream in your heart, following its wise guidance and breaking free of the confines of your little self! When you do this and get that your life is important— that you matter in the big picture—then you are set to make a difference in the world that [...]

An “I Love You” Lesson in Chinese

When I was a teenager, I thought it was cool to be able to say "I love you" in other languages. Did knowing how to express that sentiment multi-lingually ever appeal to you too? As a high school English teacher in Canada, then as a college and university teacher in China, my students and I had [...]

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