
About Ramona McKean

Ramona McKean is creating a "Bridge of Light" (aka “a Bridge of the Heart”) to promote cross-cultural appreciation and awareness. An author and speaker, she lives in Victoria, BC, Canada.

“The Power of Music to Connect Cultures”: Abigail Washburn

Photo by Steve Jurvetson (https://www.flickr.com/photos/jurvetson/6976736114) “The light that shone off her eyes was a place I could have stayed forever. In that moment we weren't our American selves. We weren't our Chinese selves. We were just mortals sitting together in that light that keeps us here. I want to dwell in that light [...]

An “I Love You” Lesson in Chinese

When I was a teenager, I thought it was cool to be able to say "I love you" in other languages. Did knowing how to express that sentiment multi-lingually ever appeal to you too? As a high school English teacher in Canada, then as a college and university teacher in China, my students and I had [...]

Soundtrack for “Dancing in the Heart of the Dragon”

Music plays a central role in my story—songs I was introduced to in China that helped me in my healing journey. Some of the songs were popular at their respective times; some of the other Chinese music features traditional Chinese instruments and folk melodies. Some Western songs, too, played their part in my healing, classics [...]

By |2017-05-28T18:37:24-07:00February 19th, 2013|China & Chinese Culture, Chinese Music, Music|Comments Off on Soundtrack for “Dancing in the Heart of the Dragon”
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