Not missing the boat with your own life means awakening to the dream in your heart, following its wise guidance and breaking free of the confines of your little self!
When you do this and get that your life is important— that you matter in the big picture—then you are set to make a difference in the world that no one but you can make. You are set to really get your life! Nothing is more satisfying; through tears and laughter, you can still look up and smile. 🙂
Awareness of my own dream developed over a period of several years. I had a sense of it but didn’t “have” it. One day, the result of a traumatic event in China, I awakened to it fully. I was so moved I cried. Dancing in the Heart of the Dragon, a Memoir of China is one outcome; another is this website, in which I write personal blogs to encourage bridges of friendship and understanding between “us” and China; that is, initially. Now it’s to build bridges of light between “us” and all other places in the world.
Your Heart as Compass
When you discover your dream and keep yourself aligned, your heart will serve as a compass; your way will be illuminated.
Your heart does not work through your head, so it’s important to notice and identify your feelings. Not good at it? Practice. As best as you can, develop a mindful, sensitive awareness of self and surroundings.
A Swedish Movie Shows Us
A movie I saw recently shows a man who does not miss the boat with his life. He awakens to his dream and opens his heart to love. A new life is his. The movie’s a Swedish gem, nominated for Best Foreign picture in the 2004 Academy Awards. “As it is in Heaven” thoroughly entertained, deeply touched and potently stirred me. Maybe it will you too.

Photo from
I don’t believe in spoilers, so no worries in that regard. The movie is about Daniel (played by Michael Nyqvist), a world renowned musical conductor who, after suffering a heart attack, retires to his childhood home in northern Sweden. Broken emotionally and physically, he needs time and space to heal. At the same time he’s pretty lonely.
He reluctantly accepts a request to “just listen” to the church choir, comprised of “ordinary” people from the village. As can be expected from a person whose life passion is music, Daniel agrees to “help out.” He then ends up accepting the job of “cantor” (choir leader).
How Daniel manages to “not miss the boat” is revealed. Vulnerability, passion and courage are key. Through these he finds himself fulfilling his dream –to open people’s hearts with music. In the process, Daniel’s life is transformed and so is everyone else’s. The difference he makes is potent.
Gabriella’s Song
In the movie, one woman whose life is profoundly altered is Gabriella, played by actress and singer Helen Sjöholm. Here she sings the song Daniel was inspired to write for her. When you realize what this character has had to endure on a regular basis, you can’t help feeling moved.
Though the lyrics show German, the singing is in the original Swedish. Understanding the words doesn’t really matter though. The passion of the singing carries the message. Click on the below picture for video.
I can’t resist sharing the link to a beautiful cover version in English. The young lady from England who sings this version blew me away with her voice. Please tell me what you think: Gabriella’s Song in English.
In Closing…
It’s not easy to break free from the confines of your little self. Why should you? Because your very life is at stake. In your heart of hearts, do you want to live a shadow of a life? Fear, which masquerades as big, wants to keep you small.
Fear can serve a useful purpose. Its screaming and yelling can indicate a growing desire to bust out of the comfort zone! With a dream to fulfill, the comfort zone is the dead zone. Missing the boat with your life is no longer a tolerable option.
Dreams worth-living-for, especially when they are cherished, are bigger than fear. With intention, earnest desire and loving guidance, it’s uncanny how courage you never knew you had will show up.
Believe in yourself and believe in your dream. Do whatever it takes to move forward. It is a task worthy of great effort.
I’d Like to Leave You with a Few Suggestions
Some things that continue to work for me, you might find helpful. Here goes:
- Disconnect from negativity. Surround yourself with people who believe in you.
- Create a mantra (especially for the hard times). Mine: “Whatever it takes is what it takes and I’ve got what it takes.”
- Talk to God/Higher Self/Holy Spirit/Essence/Source Energy/Universe (choose what works), and hear what you need to hear! Doing this was sometimes the only thing I had to hold on to after the car accident in China.
- Leave yourself encouraging little notes from God. Be creative. One I wrote: “I’m proud of you, Ramona. Know that it’s not just your dream; it’s mine too. I’m with you all the way. Loving you, God.”
- Collect inspiring quotes. One from Brendan Burchard I like: Personal Freedom
Here’s a kicker consideration. Imagine yourself on your death bed experiencing the pain of: “Why didn’t I do what I needed to do, what my heart wanted me to do?”
NOW: Imagine yourself on your death bed, experiencing the joy of: “It was all worth it. I did what I needed to do, what my heart always wanted me to do.”
May you choose the latter. Bless you on your journey!
Hi Ramona,
Thank you for this wise and beautiful writing. It is very comforting and encouraging. The song you shared is beautiful, too. I do believe almost in the same way as you, that conscience is a compass. By the way, here is one inspiring quote more: “Beauty will save the world” (Fyodor Dostoyevsky).
Blessings from Finland! 🙂
Teisuka, thank you so much for your beautiful response and for the Dostoyevsky quote. While at UBC doing my undergraduate degree, I took a Russian literature in translation course. I loved it as I did the many novels by Dostoyevsky I read. What a brilliant writer he was. Thank you also for your blessings from Finland. Blessings to you from Canada! 🙂
By the way, Teisuka, are you able to understand the Swedish of the song? My understanding is that Finnish is completely different from the other Scandinavian languages. Yes?
Hello Ramona, it’s so wonderful to meet a kindred spirit on the same path as I am. Thank you for connecting with me on Google+ so I can read your beautiful words and ideas.
“Wake up we have a world to save!” yes! Very true. This is what I believe we are called to do. To wake up and in so doing embrace our authentic selves, live a heart-centered life and be the best people we can with our short time on Mother Earth.
I have spent years focused on politics here in the U.S. thinking that our battle was between the conservatives and liberals, the left versus the right, Republicans versus Democrats etc. Then I woke up. I realized our challenge is firstly with ourselves, to stay awake. Secondly it is to be a beacon of brilliance emanating from our higher selves so others can see their hearts path better.
I appreciate your terrific suggestions and ideas to help us stay awake.
I’m looking forward to exploring how we can be of service to one another on this shared path.
Thanks for this great piece you wrote.
Hi Joe,
When I read your comments on the Michael Beckwith video, I knew I wanted our paths to cross. Well I guess they just had. 🙂
I am excited these days to be planning a re-creation, so to speak, of my website–new name and broader scope, totally in sync with Michael’s message. When I get it up and running I will so love your feedback.
You mention embracing our authentic selves. Yes, authenticity is truly where it’s at. In his dream, Michael saw the light of all individuals, splendid and temporarily contained under the ceilings of their (our) own perceived limitations. It’s time we actually got the idea of “ceilings,” that they exist. It can be a lot of fun lifting the ceiling(s) and doing so together. Makes me think of “barn raising parties.” We’re all in this thing called LIFE together. We really do need to get over ourselves and realize that no one is inherently better or worse than anyone else. We’ve all got our crap to work through and our splendid lights to share.
I need to get on with my day but couldn’t resist responding to your comment right away. Thank you so much for writing. My email address is if you’d like to write me there.
Have a super day, Joe!
🙂 Ramona
“When you discover your dream and keep yourself aligned, your heart will serve as a compass; your way will be illuminated.” I almost cried when I read that. Thank you, Ramona!
My dear, I am so glad you like that.
WOW, this was amazing. I read each and every word from top till end. It was something that I was feeling it go straight in my heart. I too feel that we must do what we want from our life. We must try for our dreams/ wishes and rest leave it on destiny. No matter we fail or succeed, at least it will give us a feeling at the end, that we tried and did what we wanted to do.
We get life once so we have to live it our-self.
I hope you and yours were safe in car accident in China.
I loved , when you said, ” When you discover your dream and keep yourself aligned, your heart will serve as a compass; your way will be illuminated.”
Thank you for a great post.
Andleeb, I am so glad my words resonated with you! Thank you for your comment. 🙂